Project 4 version 2

For the second version of this multimedia design project, I made several adjustments both minor and major. 

To make the audio more interesting, I found and added several more sound elements to the video including an outdoor ambience and character noises. I combined and adjusted all audio elements using Audacity and then exported as a single audio file to use in Adobe After Effects. 

In terms of visual aspects, I fixed a few pixel problems from my video elements by either replacing them with another video or altering the timeline of the existing video. I blended a few scenes together a little better and added some more effects to highlight specific characters from the audio. 

Using the YouTube Studio, I was also able to add a few interactive elements to the video, including a “Poll” question and a link to a suggested playlist for additional Aesop’s Fables videos. Both of these “cards” were added to the Credits scene at the end. I was hoping the website link card was still available in the studio, but alas it is not. 

Hope you enjoy my version 2.0!!!

Multimedia Design – Project 4, version 2.0
Direct Link to Video:

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