Project 4 version 1

This first version of my “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” project is a combination of audio, video, and still images pieced together using a variety of software. 

Since the audio portion is essentially the most important part of this particular project, I spent a lot of time with both the recording and editing. It took some practice, but I was able to get the entire clip in one file using the Voice Recorder app on my Android Smartphone and a Turtle Beach headset from my Xbox. I then transferred the file to my computer from cloud storage and did some editing through Audacity. I was able to fix a few mishaps, apply some noise reduction, and normalize the audio file. I also generated silence in many spots to eliminate all background noises during the pauses in the audio. 

I wasn’t able to get all the video elements I originally wanted from my storyboard, but I did visit a local park in order to get some visual elements to support the audio. The elements were recorded in UHD (3840×2160) from a Galaxy S9+ and transferred to my computer for screening. The outdoor fireplace image for the sheepskin scene was also done via the same tool and at the same location. 

Finally, to round out my assets folder, I was able to find some copyright-free images on for the wolf, shepherd, lamb, sheep, sheepskin, and knife content of the project. I resized each image to match the same 3840px width of the video as well as a few other adjustments using Adobe Photoshop. Further image editing (color correction, masking, etc.) was done during the final stages. 

Since I ended up with more still images than video, I decided to piece together the final project using Adobe After Effects. For text elements, I used font colors in high contrast to their respective backgrounds and used right-side alignments throughout the main part of the video. I also added some fading for many scenes to try and softly blend things together. Here is my final project, version 1.0:

Multimedia Design Project 4 (version 1.0) featuring “The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”