Project 3 Storyboard

Project 3 involves the creation of a video podcast. For the storyboard, I used Google Slides to outline the entire cast including a sketch of the self-recording, a draft of the audio script, notes for preparation and hand gestures, and I also included a mock-up of the title screen. I did a run-through for the audio script to make sure the time fit within the one to three minute length parameter. Right now, it sits at approximately two minutes so I have plenty of cushion either way during the actual production. I also made note of verbal and visual cues in line with the signaling principle for multimedia design. View each slide below, or download the entire storyboard file as a PDF. 

Project 3 Storyboard Video Podcast intro screen
Story board title screen example with layout visual and audio
Recording sketch with visual and audio notes
Script draft for full audio to be self-recorded
Link to parts 1 and 2 of audio with visual notes
Parts 3 and 4 of audio with visual notes
Part 5 of audio with visual notes, and closing screen visual and audio notes

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