Project 3

For my Video Podcast, I was able to combine both audio and video edit abilities. For the audio jingle at the beginning and end of the video, I downloaded a short tune from and applied some minor modifications (length, bass, treble) using Audacity. The self-recording was created using a Galaxy S9+ smartphone then transferred to Adobe Premiere Pro where I was able to edit the film and combine clips. I also made some color adjustments to increase sharpness and correct some brightness issues from utilizing natural light. For the finished product, I imported both the audio and video files into Adobe AfterEffects to create an initial title screen with text and audio, blended into the self-recording, faded into an inverse of the intro jingle (again through Audacity) with an audio credit screen. Here is the finished product:

Talk It Up Tuesday – Phone Avoidance Tactics
Direct Link to Video: